Monday, December 10, 2007


so its officail i come home in 13 days! im alittle ashamed to say that i have been counting for a month in a half. i am so excited to see you all in the flesh. its gona be such a good christmas. i have not been this excited about christmas for years, so its a big deal. i am even enjoying christmas music... for all thoes who know me usually i shut it off really fast or just leave the room so its a big change. i am super stoked to see all of your kids and be able to hold and love all my nieces and nephews... i hope that they still remember their aunt leah. so i am counting the days keep me posted love you all.


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

it will be fun to see ya, heard you have had some yucky weather there.. hope your staying warm.. Christmas is always a fun tike to come home.. see you in a few..

Kim said...

We look forward to seeing you also. Not much longer. See you then!

Hannah + 4 said...

So good to see you!! We have missed you!