Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Price of Freedom

The other night i went to see The Price of Freedom it was amazing. it is centered during world war II, it was a story about four soldiers. the music was amazing and the reel clips form world war II were amazing. it was a tear jerker but i fully enjoyed the beautiful message, especially now. it was such a wonderful experience and i hope that those who saw it enjoyed it as much as i did. :).


Lauren said...

Hey Leah, just wanted to drop a hello! Thanks for your comment. So are you at school now? I feel like I just saw you at the Willis'. xo

Calli & Zac said...

leah... be my blog friend!!

Lcurls said...

you never write in your blog lady! i think ive checked it lik 5 times since you wrote this blog and you havent updated. DO IT!